quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

It was the mainstream media Circuit struggle that turned promise athlete Will Ribeiro in the Circuit, not I, therefore, do not leave now ...

Time passes differently for each person, this is fact, for some top athletes, it shows tellingly, we saw great athletes making history in the ring in Fight Circuit in 2011, today we have the phenomenon of Anderson Silva Media registering your name every day that passes in various media, we Dudu Dantas appearing in Circuit Struggles International ... we have other athletes throughout Brazil is not well known, but searching for your space every day in MMA Events by Brazil to the outside, each with the same goal and dream, to survive what he likes to do, seek the best, be the best of the best, reach the goal of every UFC is MMA athlete, we know how the market struggles, we know how businesses are fighting, many try, few succeed, has to be above average, if not, turn ladder to third parties.
In absolute growth of MMA in Brazil, today we have more strength every day that passes after the Globo Television Network stepped in, surrendered to the audience that MMA gives us the evolution constant daily, every hour there are new players , there are new people all the time promoting Fight Events in order, and the business of the Future, but independet it all, there will always be people are people, there will always be the Athlete differentiated from others, not that it is better, just different from others, who always looks its struggles agent, it is said, this guy is tough, this guy goes away, you become a promise to every day. So I can not allow that the story of my brother, is forgotten, you elected him as Promise, not me.

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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Atleta da Boxe Thai (Grajaú), Team Nogueira e Nova União, nas modalidades MMA, Submission, Boxe e Muay Thai. Como lutador de Boxe, já foi membro da FBERJ e Seleção Brasileira de Boxe Permanente e ultimamente tem se dedicado ao (M.M.A), modalidade em que vem se destacando na categoria 65Kg. Aos 6 anos de idade começou a praticar Taekwondo com o Mestre Rodney e aos 11 anos passou a treinar Muay Thai com o Mestre Márcio Rodriguez. Quando completou 16 anos foi convocado para a Seleção Brasileira de Boxe Olímpico. Mas quando passou a ser membro da Academia Boxe Thai, do Gão Mestre Luis Alves, seu nome ganhou mais notoriedade no MMA. Mestre Luis é presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Muay Thai, dono da Academia Boxe Thai e treina nomes importantes do mundo da luta como Rodrigo Minotauro, Rogério Minotouro, Ricardão Moraes, Vitor Belfort,entre outros. EQUIPE WR Hoje Will Ribeiro se dedica ao projeto social Will Ribeiro WEC que fica no Prédio do Cemasi na Base da UPP ANDARAÍ/Rua Andaraí SN: Maiores Informações: Tel:9-8758-5870
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