segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

M.M.A EVENT - UFC - RIO DAY 27/08/2011

M.M.A EVENT - UFC - RIO DAY 27/08/2011

Will Ribeiro Ed Smith called his former manager in the fight, asking if he could work as a referee in the UFC side-RIO since Will Ribeiro has been working in Brazil at various MMA events as a referee side, Ed Smith said it is not possible because the UFC has come with his crew, he can not work.

Will Ribeiro Sores asked Ed if he could then managed to put him into the ufc, so he can watch the fights at the mega event, Ed Smith said he will try, certainly did not.

Now I ask you, that's fair? an athlete who excelled in the WEC is treated like this by your manager? is wrong, just because Will Ribeiro turned a handicapped, no one regards him as a person, because people are so? Will Ribeiro before falling off the bike, was seen as a promise by their employers to fight, and now Will treated this way.

I do not think fair to him, he is wrong to be seen as a problem.
Lack of respect for a human being.

Dana White should be the first to defend him, but he is not involved, prefer to stay outside, the MMA world really is a money-making machine, but to do justice, it does not work.

Will Ribeiro and a human being who goes through a difficult time in your life, think it's wrong nobody's attention to their situation.

Thank God James Ryan made a book in his favor.

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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Atleta da Boxe Thai (Grajaú), Team Nogueira e Nova União, nas modalidades MMA, Submission, Boxe e Muay Thai. Como lutador de Boxe, já foi membro da FBERJ e Seleção Brasileira de Boxe Permanente e ultimamente tem se dedicado ao (M.M.A), modalidade em que vem se destacando na categoria 65Kg. Aos 6 anos de idade começou a praticar Taekwondo com o Mestre Rodney e aos 11 anos passou a treinar Muay Thai com o Mestre Márcio Rodriguez. Quando completou 16 anos foi convocado para a Seleção Brasileira de Boxe Olímpico. Mas quando passou a ser membro da Academia Boxe Thai, do Gão Mestre Luis Alves, seu nome ganhou mais notoriedade no MMA. Mestre Luis é presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Muay Thai, dono da Academia Boxe Thai e treina nomes importantes do mundo da luta como Rodrigo Minotauro, Rogério Minotouro, Ricardão Moraes, Vitor Belfort,entre outros. EQUIPE WR Hoje Will Ribeiro se dedica ao projeto social Will Ribeiro WEC que fica no Prédio do Cemasi na Base da UPP ANDARAÍ/Rua Andaraí SN: Maiores Informações: Tel:9-8758-5870
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